Come, enter the bedchamber of My rest
Come, lay your head upon My chest
Hear the beat of My heart
I am for you and not against you
In all that I do, I do for preparation
I am preparing you, adorning you
with a spirit of meekness, a spirit of humility
I am adorning you with love, adorning you with patience
Adorning you with joy, adorning you with peaceAAdorning you with endurance, adorning you with faith
Adorning you with gentleness, adorning you with temperance adorning you with goodness, that My good pleasure may be seen
The winds that blow, are they not for to strengthen
that which remains? And what will remain? Only that fruit which is of My adorning. All else topples to the ground. You are My workmanship, My creation of beauty. Only in the bedchamber of My rest, will you behold Me and see My beauty and showforth My reflection.
Come away with Me, lie your head upon My chest, hear the beat of My heart. Be still in My Presence, for only then can you hear My heart.
Some come in, and make so much noise, they are not hearing and they rise up and quickly leave. They leave full of questions, unanswered, continuing to seek, what is it that I am saying. If they would but come, be still, and lay their head upon My chest, they would hear.
My desire is to make Myself known, My desire is to showforth the excellency of My ways. My desire is to showforth My thoughts and to speak of the mysteries of the kingdom. Come, enter My bedchamber of rest, Behold Me, be still and lie next to Me, Hear My heartbeat. You will percieve the purpose and plan that I have for you, you will perceive the giftings that I have given you. You will perceive the work of My hands.
Sufficient is the day to fulfill it's requirements of you. But one thing I require, one thing do I long for, one thing do I search for...
That you Come, come and be still. Sup with Me and I with you, fellowship with Me in this most blessed union. For I have called you by name, you are Mine. Go not away from My Presence so quickly, for I desire and require to adorn you with the most precious things. The things that are priceless.
For what value can you place upon Me? No earthly treasure can compare. I adorn you with Me. I adorn you with My likeness. Come away with Me, My beloved, Come away to the bedchamber of My rest and let Me adorn you with that which does not corrupt, with that which the world can not impart nor take from you. You are My preparation and I require and desire to adorn you for this purpose...that My likeness may be seen in you, through you. Christ coming in the flesh and dwelling among men.
Come away, My beloved, and hear my heartbeat. A Bride is being prepared!